continued detention after judicial release class action
Nanda & Company has commenced a class proceeding against Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Alberta (“Alberta”) for its practice of continuing to detain individuals in custody after they are ordered released at the conclusion of a criminal matter for Alberta to “process their release.” It is alleged that Alberta detains these individuals against their will for hours or days without any lawful authorization.
Nanda & Company brings this class proceeding on behalf of all individuals who have been detained after they were ordered released at the conclusion of a criminal proceeding in Alberta, including those who were acquitted, discharged, had charges withdrawn, or were judicially released in another manner.
If you were in remanded into custody on a warrant of committal in Alberta pending the outcome of a criminal matter, and had your criminal charges resolved by way of acquittal, discharge, withdrawal, or a judicially ordered release, and were not subject to any other outstanding warrants for your continued detention at the time, please email or call 780-801-5324.